Project information

  • Category: Backend
  • Client: DBC Company
  • Project date: Nov, 2022
  • Project URL: DBC Company

Portfolio detail

CRDC - Central de Registro de Direitos Creditórios - Second Generation CRDC - Receivables Rights Registration Center - Second Generation

access/subscriptions according to the identification and security criteria adopted by the financial institution (such as ICP-Brasil digital certificate, login/password/token)

•confirmation of the integrity and validity of the electronic invoice by the Department of Finance of all Brazilian states •registration and assignment of a unique number to the receivables right (the number under which all events related to the electronic invoice/transaction that originated the electronic invoice are registered)

•issuance of electronic duplicate invoices based on electronic invoices •electronic communication between the company and the financial institution with which the company has a relationship for the submission/return of receivables rights.

•monitoring the lifecycle of the electronic invoice/receivables right until its maturity, notifying the financial institution of any changes in its status •electronic formalization of relevant documentation (e.g., issuance/endorsement/acceptance of the duplicate invoice, contract signature, bill of exchange).

•locking of the duplicate invoices traded on the platform for the acquiring financial institution, preventing them from being offered to another financial institution •integration available for registering documentation with the registry of titles and documents.